How do you ensure that your PDM system fits the needs of your team? You need to examine issues like functionality, installation and configuration, user adoption, training, support, PDM vendors, as well as the special needs of your company. A good buyers guide is an invaluable tool.
Generative Design used in CAD tools has the potential to create improved designs while automating part of the design process. That combination solves both engineering and business problems.
More CAE applications are supporting GPU computing. Siemens and Dassault Systemes use OpenCL to optimize simulation problems and deliver higher performance.
NAFEMS has a long history of accompanying simulation engineers and assisting them to arrive at solid, reliable, simulation results. NAFEMS CEO, Tim Morris discusses the history, activities, and benefits NAFEMS strives to deliver to the global simulation community.
The makers of MatLab and Simulink brought their expertise to the French audience as the company expands it's MatLab Expo. Expertise from large industrial companies like Airbus and GDF as well as representatives of French universities was on display during a full agenda of keynote speeches and industry segment sessions.
The CAM experts at Vero Software delivered enhancements to the flagship WorkNC product as well as transforming the WorkExplore product into PartExplore to cover the entire family of Vero CAM products.